Occasionally Asked Questions

Frequently would be an overstatement. But occasionally they do come up.
How do you pronounce Marchio?

Mar-kee-oh. A helpful pronunciation guide for all our names—the ‘ci’ in Cipoletti and Ricci is pronounced like the ‘ch’ in Chad. The ‘ch’ in Marchio is pronounced like the ‘ck’ in Dominick. There’s a ‘ch’ in Fischman, too, but we don’t want to make this confusing. We can explain more when we talk.

Do you work with clients outside California?

Of course. As a Los Angeles-based brand studio, our focus is on industries that make California go—startups, clean energy, technology, financial services, life sciences, entertainment, the arts—but sometimes that work takes us to Austin, Boston, and…man, it would be great to have a third example here that rhymes. But we’ll go with Tampa.

How much for a logo?

How much ya got? Kidding. We design logos, of course, but that’s rarely the only thing we do on a project. Clients typically come to us when they need to rethink some or all parts of their brand—positioning, narrative, architecture, voice, messaging, identity, customer or employee experience, etc. If you’re still interested we’d be happy to give you a quote, but we probably won’t be the cheapest you can find.

Have you won any awards?

We might be the least awarded branding agency on the planet. Feels like that should be trademarked. We’ll look into it. Anyway, why haven’t we won any awards? Because award shows are mostly ego-driven nonsense and we don’t enter them.

Do you have any experience with…

Your product? Your industry? Your specific challenge? Probably. We’ve built and developed more than 150 brands across sectors, so there’s a good chance we’ve seen this movie before. And if not, that can be a good thing, too. Fresh eyes can be an advantage, especially when paired with experience and insights from different projects.

Are you hiring?

At the moment, not for full-time positions. We’re purposely small, but from time to time we have a need for talent that complements ours. If you’re a strategist, writer, namer or designer who wants to be part of our network, send us a note: bench@hellomarchio.com